Data protection information for Romania


PFEIFER & LANGEN ROMANIA SRL, CUI 38616599, nr. Registrul Comertului J05/3119/2017, cu sediul social in Oradea, Str. S. Vavilov no. 2, jud. Bihor, in temeiul art. 13 din Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679 privind protectia persoanelor fizice in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si privind libera circulatie a acestor date, furnizeaza urmatoarele informatii:

Ce date personale prelucram? Scopul prelucrarii

Acestea pot fi numele si prenumele, adresa de domiciliu, adresa de e-mail, adresa de facturare, telefon, datele din actul de identitate, nr inmatriculare masina si/sau remorca, etc. – in principal informatiile necesare pentru:

  • procese de vanzari si marketing (incheierea unui contract, achizitii si livrari pe teritoriul national, etc),
  • procese de HR (recrutare personal, angajare, administrare, evidenta concedii medicale, recuperare fractie valoare concediu medical, achizitie tichete de masa, etc),
  • expediere documente/colete prin curier,
  • registratura societatii,
  • etc,

Ce categorii speciale de date prelucram? Scopul prelucrarii

Intrucat evenimentele din ultima perioada privind raspandirea si eforturile de diminuare a efectelor virusului COVID-19 au impact direct in activitatea societatii noastre, implementarea unor masuri de urgenta privind asigurarea securitatii si sanatatii angajatilor – colaboratorilor – vizitatorilor, poate conduce la inceperea unui proces de colectare si prelucrare a categoriilor speciale de date (cum sunt datele privind sanatatea).

In acest context, PFEIFER & LANGEN ROMANIA SRL prelucreaza categorii speciale de date, respectiv date privind sanatatea angajatilor, colaboratorilor si vizitatorilor, aflate in sediul/perimetrul societatii, astfel:

  • numele si prenumele persoanei care presteaza activitati in sediul/perimetrul societatii,
  • locul de munca,
  • daca locuiesc/vizitat zone in care se afla(u) persoane afectate din cauza COVID-19 (zonele rosii/galbene),
  • daca au venit in contact direct cu persoane afectate din cauza COVID-19,
  • daca au avut una sau mai multe simptome (febra, dificutatea de a inghiti, de a respira, tuse intensa, stare de oboseala, etc),
  • alte date privind sanatatea persoanelor (temperatura corporala) aflate in sediul/perimetrul societatii,

Vo fi colectate doar informatiile absolut necesare pentru prevenirea raspandirii COVID-19.

Activitatea de prelucrare este conforma cu principiul legalitatii si respecta atat prevederile art 6, precum si prevederile art 9 din GDPR.

De ce solicitam aceste informatii? Temeiul juridic

Solicitam aceste informatii, in temeiul:

  • incheierii unui contract sau a indeplinirii obligatiilor contractuale, – indeplinirii obligatiilor legale care ii revin operatorului,
  • interesului legitim,
  • interesului public in domeniul sanatatii publice,

Interesul legitim este dat de operatiunile de prelucrare in timpul procesului de recrutare, instruire a personalului, recuperare fractie valoare concediu medical, prevenirii infractiunilor, expedierea documentelor/coletelor prin curier, etc.

Interesul public in domeniul sanatatii publice (in contextul infectarii cu COVID-19), presupune protectia impotriva amenintarilor transfrontaliere grave la adresa sanatatii.

Orice informatie privind sanatatea persoanelor aflate in sediul/perimetrul societatii, care este prelucrata, va fi tratata intr-o maniera confidentiala, orice comunicare catre personalul societatii despre posibila prezenta a coronavirusului la locul de munca nu va duce la identificarea persoanei care este afectata.

Ne angajam sa protejam confidentialitatea datelor dumneavoastra. Vom folosi informatiile dumneavoastra personale, in conformitate cu toate legile si reglementarile in vigoare, care se refera la protectia datelor si a vietii private, inclusiv Regulamentul UE general privind protectia datelor (GDPR).

Cat timp pastram informatiile dumneavoastra personale?

Vom pastra informatiile dumneavoastra personale atat timp cat este necesar pentru scopul pentru care le utilizam si ulterior in conformitate cu procedurile interne si cerintele legale.

In ceea ce priveste stocarea datelor de sanatate prelucrate pentru impiedicarea raspandirii si a diminuarii efectelor virusului COVID-19, acestea se vor stoca distinct de alte date cu caracter personal, colectate pentru alte scopuri. Aceste date de sanatate vor fi pastrate atat timp cat este necesar pentru scopul pentru care le utilizam si ulterior in conformitate cu procedurile interne si cerintele legale.

In cazul in care exista refuzul de acces in perimetrul societatii, termenul de pastrare este de 30 zile, care se poate prelungi in cazul in care in acest interval exista o disputa/conflict/plangere administrativa, caz in care acele date cu caracter personal vor putea fi stocate pana la stingerea respectivei situatii.

Cu cine impartasim informatiile dumneavoastra personale?

Informatiile dumneavoastra personale sunt procesate doar de operator si procesatorii cu care exista o relatie contractuala. Datele cu caracter personal pot fi stocate, prelucrate si transferate catre o tara terta din grupul Pfeifer & Langen (doar in interiorul UE).

Datele privind sanatatea angajatilor (categorii speciale de date) vor fi consultate si prelucrate numai de catre autoritatile competente.

Suntem un membru al grupului Pfeifer & Langen, (pentru mai multe informatii va rugam sa vizitati:

Putem dezvalui informatiile dumneavoastra personale catre terte parti, inclusiv in urmatoarele situatii:

  • folosim parti terte pentru a desfasura anumite activitati in numele nostru care implica prelucrarea informatiilor cu caracter personal. De exemplu, angajam terti furnizori de servicii pentru a duce la indeplinire comenzile, livra colete, transmite prin curier, intretine si actualiza baza de date in care sunt reflectate detaliile angajatilor si clientilor (inclusiv eliminarea informatiilor repetitive sau incorecte), sa procesam platile prin card, indeplinirea obligatiilor legate de medicina muncii, instruire angajati, etc. Aceste parti terte au acces la informatii personale necesare pentru a indeplini misiunile alocate catre ei, dar nu le pot utiliza in alte scopuri;
  • putem dezvalui, de asemenea, informatii cu caracter personal politiei si altor autoritati de aplicare a legii in legatura cu prevenirea si depistarea infractiunilor;
  • putem transmite informatii personale catre asiguratorii nostri in cazul in care este facuta sau ar putea fi facuta o plangere impotriva noastra;
  • putem transmite informatiile dumneavoastra personale catre parti terte in cazul in care avem obligatia de a divulga sau de a transmite informatiile dumneavoastra personale pentru a ne conforma cu orice obligatie legala (inclusiv in legatura cu o hotarare judecatoreasca), sau in scopul de a implementa sau aplica orice acorduri in care sunt vizate datele personale sau in orice alt mod au legatura cu acestea (inclusiv acordurile/intelegerile intre dumneavoastra si noi); sau pentru a proteja drepturile, proprietatea sau siguranta noastra sau pe cele ale clientilor, angajatilor nostri sau ale altor parti terte;

Care sunt drepturile tale si cum pot fi exercitate

  • dreptul la informare – poti solicita informatii privind activitatile de prelucrare a datelor tale personale;
  • reptul la rectificare – poti rectifica datele personale inexacte sau le poti actualiza;
  • dreptul la stergerea datelor („dreptul de a fi uitat“) – poti obtine stergerea datelor, in cazul in care prelucrarea acestora nu a fost legala sau in alte cazuri prevazute de lege;
  • dreptul la restrictionarea prelucrarii – poti solicita restrictionarea prelucrarii in cazul in care contesti exactitatea datelor, precum si in alte cazuri prevazute de lege;
  • dreptul de opozitie – poti sa te opui, in special, prelucrarilor de date care se intemeiaza pe interesul nostru legitim;
  • dreptul la portabilitatea datelor – poti primi, in anumite conditii, datele personale pe care ni le-ai furnizat, intr-un format care poate fi citit automat sau poti solicita ca respectivele date sa fie transmise altui operator;
  • dreptul de a depune plangere – poti depune plangere fata de modalitatea de prelucrare a datelor personale la ANSPDCP (Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal);
  • dreptul de retragere a consimtamantului – in cazurile in care prelucrarea se intemeiaza pe consimtamantul tau, ti-l poti retrage oricand;
  • drepturi suplimentare aferente deciziilor automate: poti cere si obtine interventia umana cu privire la respectiva prelucrare, iti poti exprima propriul punct de vedere cu privire la aceasta si poti contesta decizia;

Iti poti exercita aceste drepturi, fie individual, fie cumulat, prin simpla transmitere a unei solicitari prin e-mail, la:

Putem cere dovada identitatii dumneavoastra inainte de a putea sa va dezvaluim informatiile personale sau pentru a va conforma cu alte cereri.

De asemenea, aveti dreptul de a face plangere catre autoritatea de supraveghere, daca nu sunteti multumit de modul in care am procesat informatiile dumneavoastra personale. Puteti contacta autoritatea de supraveghere la adresa de e-mail; tel 0318.059.211, 0318.059.212. De asemenea aveti dreptul de a va adresa instantelor de judecata.

Accesul si rectificarea sau stergerea datelor personale

Persoana vizata are dreptul de a solicita in orice moment accesul la, rectificarea, stergerea sau restrictionarea procesarii datelor colectate de catre noi. Pentru a ne ajuta sa pastram datele personale actualizate, recomandam utilizatorilor sa ne informeze despre orice schimbare sau discrepanta. Pentru a vizualiza sau modifica datele personale, pentru a obtine informații despre perioada de timp pentru care intentionam sa pastram datele personale sau pentru alte intrebari legate de datele personale, va rugam contactati ofiterul de conformitate, e-mail

Securitatea procesarii

Vom procesa datele in mod sigur, vom aplica si mentine masuri tehnice adecvate pentru a proteja datele personale impotriva distrugerii sau pierderii accidentale sau ilegale, alterare, divulgare sau acces neautorizat, in mod special atunci cand procesarea presupune transmiterea datelor printr-o retea atat cat si impotriva oricarei alte forme de procesare ilegala. Intrebari legate de securitatea datelor personale pot fi trimise catre ofiterul de conformitate, e-mail

Protectia datelor personale pe retelele de socializare

Daca publicati date sau continut (ex: comentarii, videoclipuri, imagini sau aprecieri,etc) pe retelele noastre de socializare (Instagram, Facebook), acestea vor fi utilizate exclusiv in scopul activitatii noastre de relatii publice. Prelucrarea in scopul publicitatii este in interesul nostru legitim (cf art. 6, alin. 1, lit. f) din GDPR). Puteti sterge aceste date sau continut in conformitate cu conditiile de utilizare ale platformei respective. Nu vom stoca si / sau prelucra continut personal in afara respectivei platforme de socializare.

Folosim urmatoarele servicii ale furnizorilor respectivi pentru a evalua utilizarea profilurilor companiei noastre si, astfel, pentru a imbunatati aspectul si oferta respectiva:

  • Facebook -Insights
  • Instagram –Insights

Atunci cand vizitati profilurile companiei noastre, prelucram datele dvs. colectate prin intermediul serviciului respectiv, in calitate de parti responsabile in comun, impreuna cu furnizorul respectiv. Aceste date includ informatii despre vizita dvs. sau interactiunea dvs. pe / cu pagina noastra de fani, care pot fi legate de dvs. si, prin urmare, se pot califica drept date personale. O astfel de prelucrare a datelor se bazeaza pe interesul nostru legitim (cf art. 6, alin. 1, lit. f) din GDPR) de a deschide o platforma pentru schimbul de informatii cu dvs. si de a evalua cine viziteaza pagina noastra Fanpage pentru a ne putea alinia continutul in consecinta. Furnizorul respectiv se angajeaza sa respecte drepturile persoanelor vizate in conformitate cu art 3 din GDPR.

Puteți obtine informatii suplimentare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor dvs. personale in cadrul serviciilor mentionate la:

Furnizorii pot utiliza, de asemenea, cookie-uri pe profilurile companiei noastre. Va rugam sa retineti ca nu suntem responsabili pentru prelucrarea datelor colectate prin intermediul cookie-urilor si ca nu avem nici o perspectiva asupra acestor tipuri de prelucrare a datelor.

Date de contact

Ofiter de conformitate

Daca aveti intrebari cu privire la procesarea datelor dumneavoastra cu caracter personal, drepturile dumneavoastra privind acestea, etc, va rugam sa ne contactati:

  • ne puteti suna la +40 371-536.162,
  • ne puteti scrie la adresa sediului social din: Oradea, Str. S. Vavilov no. 2, jud. Bihor,

Autoritatea de supraveghere
ANSPDCP (Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal)
0318.059.211, 0318.059.212
B-dul G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru 28-30, Sector 1, cod postal 010336, Bucuresti, Romania.


PFEIFER & LANGEN ROMANIA SRL, VAT no. 38616599, no. Trade Register J05/3119/2017, with registered office in Oradea, Calea Sântandrei, nr. 39, Bihor, pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 regarding the protection of natural persons in relation with the processing of their personal data and the free movement of such data, provides the following information:

What kind of personal data do we process? Purpose of processing

Such data can be surname and first name, domicile address, e-mail address, invoicing address, phone, data from the identity document, car registration number and/or trailer, etc – mainly the information needed for:

  • sales and marketing (conclusion of a contract, acquisitions and deliveries on the national territory, etc) processes,
  • HR processes (recruiting personnel, hiring, management, record of medical leaves, recovery of partial value of the medical leave, purchasing of meal vouchers, etc),
  • delivery of documents / packages by courier,
  • registration office of the company,
  • etc,

What special categories of data do we process? Purpose of processing

As the events of the last period regarding the spread and the efforts to diminish the effects of the COVID-19 virus have a direct impact on the activity of our company, the implementation of emergency measures regarding the safety and health of the employees – clients – visitors, can lead to the start of a collection process and processing of special categories of data (such as health data).

In this context, PFEIFER & LANGEN ROMANIA SRL processes special categories of data, respectively data on the health of employees, clients and visitors, located in the company headquarter/perimeter, as follows:

  • the name and surname of the person performing activities in the company headquarter/perimeter,
  • the work place,
  • if they live/visited areas where there are (were) people affected by COVID-19 (red / yellow areas),
  • if they came in direct contact with persons affected by COVID-19,
  • if they had one or more symptoms (fever, difficulty in swallowing, breathing, coughing, tiredness, etc.),
  • other data regarding the health of the persons (body temperature) in the headquarter/perimeter of the company,

Only the information absolutely necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19 will be collected.

The processing activity complies with the legality principle and respects both the provisions of art 6, as well as the provisions of art 9 of the GDPR.

Why do we request such data? The legal basis

We request such data pursuant to:

  • concluding a contract or fulfilling certain contractual obligations,
  • fulfilling legal obligations that are due to the operator,
  • legitimate interest,
  • public interest in the area of public health,

The legitimate interest is given by the processing operations during the recruitment process, personnel training, recovery of the partial value of the medical leave, preventing crimes, etc.

The public interest in the field of public health (in the context of COVID-19 infection), implies the protection against serious cross-border threats to health.

Any information regarding the health of the persons in the headquarter/perimeter of the company, which is processed, will be treated in a confidential manner, any communication to the personnel of the company about the possible presence of coronavirus in the workplace will not lead to the identification of the affected person.

We are committing ourselves to protect the confidentiality of your data. We will use your personal data according to the “EU Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (GDPR)”, to the laws and regulations in force.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We shall keep your personal data as long as it is necessary for the purpose we are using them and late on pursuant to the internal procedures and legal requirements.

As regards the storage of the processed health data to prevent the spread and diminution of the effects of the COVID-19 virus, they will be stored separately from other personal data collected for other purposes. These health data will be stored for as long as necessary for the purpose for which we use them and subsequently in accordance with internal procedures and legal requirements.

If there is a refusal of access to the perimeter of the company, the retention period is 30 days, which can be extended if during this period there is a dispute/conflict/administrative complaint, in which case those personal data may be stored until the situation is extinguished.

Whom do we share your personal data?

Your personal data is processed only by the operator and processors with whom there is a contractual relationship. Personal data may be stored, processed and transferred to a third country within the Pfeifer & Langen group (only within the EU).

Employee health data (special categories of data) will be consulted and processed only by the competent authorities.

We are a member of the Pfeifer & Langen group, (for more information, please visit:

We can share your personal data to third parties on the following cases:

  • we are using third parties to carry out certain activities in our name which involve the processing of personal data. For example, we are hiring third service suppliers to carry out orders, deliver packages, send by courier, maintain and update database where appear the employees and clients details (including the elimination of repetitive or incorrect information), to process card payments, fulfill the occupational medicine obligations, train the employees, etc. Such third parties have access to personal data needed to fulfill missions assigned to them, but they cannot use them in other purposes;
  • we can also disclose personal data to police and other authorities who apply the law in connection with prevention and finding of crimes;
  • we can send personal data to our insurers if there is or might be made a complaint against us;
  • we can send your personal data to third parties if we have the obligation to disclose or send your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation (including in connection with a court order) or for the purpose of implementing or applying any agreements where personal data are involved or connected in any other way with them (including agreements/understandings between you and us); or in order to protect our or our clients, employees or third parties rights, property or safety;

Which are your rights and how can they be exercised:

  • the right to be informed – you may request information on your personal data processing activities;
  • the right to correction – you may correct your personal data if they are incorrect or you may update them;
  • the right to erase your personal data (“the right to be forgotten”) – you may obtain your personal data to be erased if their processing was not legal or in other cases stipulated by law;
  • the right to restrict their processing – you may ask the restriction of processing in case you dispute the data accuracy, as well as in other cases stipulated by law;
  • the right to oppose – you may oppose especially to data processing that is based on our legitimate interest;
  • the right to receive your personal data – you may receive, in certain conditions, your personal data you have submitted to us, in a form that can be read automatically or you may request the respective data to be sent to another operator;
  • the right to submit a complaint – you may submit a complaint against the way your personal data are processed by ANSPDCP (National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing);
  • the right to withdraw your consent – in case the processing is based on your consent, you may withdraw it anytime;
  • additional rights related to automatic decisions: you may request and obtain human intervention regarding the respective processing, you may express your own point of view in relation thereto and you may dispute the decision;

You may exercise such rights, either individually, or cumulatively, by sending a request by e-mail to:

We may ask for the proof of your identity before sharing your personal data or in order to comply with other requests.

Furthermore, you have the right to make a complaint to the supervisory authority if you are unsatisfied with the way we have processed your personal data. You may contact the supervisory authority at the e-mail address; tel 0318.059.211, 0318.059.212. You are also entitled to address the courts.

Access to and modification or erasing your personal data

The data subject has the right to request at any time the access to modification or restriction of processing the personal data we collect. To help us keep the personal data updated, we recommend the users to inform us on any change or variance. In order to see or modify the personal data, to obtain information on the time period for which we intend to keep the personal data or for any other questions related to personal data, please contact the compliance officer, e-mail

Processing security

We will process the data in a safe way, will apply and maintain proper technical means to protect the personal data against accidental or illegal damage or loss, alteration, disclosure or unauthorized access, especially when the processing involves sending the data through a network and also against any other forms of illegal processing. Questions related to the security of personal data may be sending to the compliance officer, e-mail

Social media

If you publish data or content (e.g. comments, videos, images or likes, etc) on our social media presences (Instagram, Facebook), these will be used exclusively for the purpose of our public relations work. Processing for the purpose of publicity is in our overriding legitimate interest (art. 6 I 1 f EU-DSGVO). You can delete this data or content in accordance with the respective terms of use of the respective platform. We will not store and / or process personal content outside the respective social media platform.

We use the following services of the respective providers to evaluate the use of our company profiles and thereby improve our appearance and the respective offer:

  • Facebook -Insights
  • Instagram -Insights

When you visit our company profiles, we process your data collected by means of the respective service as jointly responsible parties together with the respective provider. This data includes information about your visit or your interaction on or with our fan page, which can be related to you and may therefore qualify as personal data. Such data processing is based on our overriding legitimate interest (Art. 6 I 1 f EU-GDPR) in opening up a platform for exchanging information with you and in evaluating who visits our Fanpage in order to be able to align our content accordingly.

The respective provider undertakes to us to fulfill your rights as a data subject under art 3 of the EU-GDPR.

You can obtain further information on the processing of your personal data under said services at:

Providers may also use cookies on our company profiles. Please note that we are not responsible for the processing of data collected by means of cookies and that we have no insight into these types of data processing.

Contact data

Compliance officer

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, your rights concerning your personal data etc., please contact us:

  • you may call us at: +40 371-536.162;
  • you may write to us at the address of our registered office: Oradea, Str. S. Vavilov no. 2, jud. Bihor;

Supervisory Authority

ANSPDCP (National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing);;
0318.059.211, 0318.059.212;
B-dul G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru 28-30, Sector 1, cod postal 010336, Bucharest, Romania;